“The reward for CONFORMITY is that everyone likes you but YOURSELF.” 

Empowering women to elevate their relationship with themselves!

I am Elinor, a different kind of coach.
The frustration of experiencing dissatisfaction,  the belief in the potential for improvement, and the desire for change, drive individuals to seek guidance or hire a coach. 

 This website and my work have emerged from years of enduring frustration and compromises. I spent years navigating with one foot on the gas pedal, fueled by DESIRES  and MOTIVATION to be and achieve more, while the other leg pressed hard on the brake, driven by FEARS and DOUBTS. This resulted in expending energy without making significant progress.  

 This work is specifically designed for women who consistently prioritize others above themselves, frequently say 'yes' when they truly mean 'no' ,and deceive themselves into thinking they must sacrifice their desires and needs for the sake of their loved ones. It is intended for the powerful women who have convinced themselves that settling for an unfulfilling career, relationship, health, well-being, or financial situation is acceptable.

 This offering is dedicated to empowering the woman who recognizes her innate potential and aspires for her choices and circumstances to no longer serve as compensations for what she lacks but rather as authentic expressions of the incredible individual she truly is, even if that glimpse of greatness is only just beginning to emerge. 

If this resonates with you and you wish to  explore this offering further

Wherever you are on your journey, remember that your past choices got you this far, and your choices today can create more of what you wish.
I am thrilled you are here and look forward to connecting with you.
Until then, enjoy this gift; use it to shift your energy level (like any tool, it works only when you use it:)
Talk soon.