What do you want to be when you grow up?

Posted On Mar 07, 2022 |

“Real estate looks like fun; I want to become an agent!

Personal training seems so cool, and I want to become a PT.

MLM??? She looks like she is effortlessly making so much money; maybe I should do that? 

Travel agent! I should be a travel agent!

Maybe an insurance agent? That might be cool, this guy I know makes a bank doing that, and it looks like he is having fun...

Hobbies??? Don't get me started... Maybe Ariel? Martial arts? Drawing? Dancing! Yes, dancing can be fun.

I should also volunteers... Homeless shelter? Hospital? Pets? Kids? Women??!

When you look for external answers, you get confused! You may end up doing something GREAT! But it won't be great FOR YOU!

I stopped finding temptations in other people's activities when I looked within and defined my OWN! 

The external way will bring self frustration into your life!

A beautiful way to start looking within is this course. I

If you are feeling resitance to making this tiny investment in yourself, find out why? The answer may be a considerable revelation.

As always, if you have any question, feel free to reach out (Elinor@elinormiller.com).
